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The story behind Balles Neuves

Like each and every one of you, life is going to bring me its share of joys, its share of successes and also its share of disappointments, those we could have done without and yet…

These challenges shake our daily lives. We will call them ‘challenges’ because we will have to overcome them, turn them into wealth to keep our heads high, walk straight and continue to move forward.

My bookshelf was enriched with inspiring authors. I discovered, through my encounters, the power of words, the impact of images on the subconscious, how to use emotions and grow my ‘mindset’.

Balles Neuves was born thanks to these upheavals in my life.

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My training

Later, I went back to school to try to make sense of this life that was slipping away from me. When you are ready to view events with a different prism, a new world opens up to you.

I further professionalized my life journey by taking the diploma course founded by Dominique Bernascon – ASTM – in kinesiology, incorporating psycho-emotional management, touch and brain gym, then the coaching school of Danielle Pujol, Serenity Coach Center. I was congratulated by the jury and the RNCP key.

Since then, I have constantly shared this knowledge through Balles Neuves, which is resolutely simple, easy to read, accessible to all and above all, fun.

Support for sector managers

Personalized support for further development

Balles Neuves is also conferences, workshops, seminars. These meetings prioritize interaction and questioning. It’s a time to pause to lay out your life, let go of what is no longer necessary, make room.

Their objectives are to trigger awareness, develop a clear vision of your future and above all, to get you into action because in truth, only you can change things.

To change things in your life, you will have to change something in your life.

We are here to help you make these changes.

Why this title?

Would you have guessed? This title is borrowed from the world of tennis. Making ‘Balles Neuves’ is like making a ‘Fresh Start’. Our lives are not blank pages. We all have our stories. The past is like the bow of the ship, you can look at it all you want, but it won’t move you forward. However, it is interesting to rely on this foundation of experiences as a starting point. It will be your strength. Balles Neuves offers its set of Fresh Starts.

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
Albert Einstein

Our goal

Our role is to remind you that you are a wonderful and unique person. You, too, have a story to share. You, too, can become an inspiring person.

It is together that we can contribute to making this world a better place, each in our own way, each at our own level, in the manner of Pierre Rabhi’s hummingbird who does his part by bringing a drop of water in his beak to calm the forest fire.

Our job is to accompany you in taking the necessary steps to push your limits. Our greatest reward is your success in your quest for happiness and fulfillment. Thank you for allowing us to contribute to your beautiful stories.

“Carrefours pour l’Emploi” fair with

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